Tools for Taking Control of Personal Success in STEM

personal success

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, or in other words, STEM, is a competitive field. To ensure success in STEM, this article will equip you with the tools for taking control of personal success. These personal tools will help you find a successful future in the STEM career of your choice.

Define Success

The term “success” can have a different meaning for everyone. For some people, success means achieving financial freedom. For others, it could mean achieving a goal, completing a bucket list, or something else entirely. The first thing you have to do is define what personal success means you as a STEM professional. Most people haven’t defined their success either. For success in STEM, you can start by listing down the goals you want to achieve academically and professionally. 

The Tools for Personal Success

Keep Your Grades High

In STEMS, grades matter more than you think. Companies take GPAs into consideration when hiring STEM graduates. So, if you were planning to skip your class and ignore your grades, it’s time to change your approach. Aim for the highest GPA you can and do your best. Study the companies you would like to work for and evaluate the GPAs they require when selecting graduate students.  

Do an Internship

Getting an internship is an important tool to take control of your personal success. You need to carefully select the companies that you would like to intern for. Usually, the companies look for students who have an internship experience. Ideally, you should have an internship after graduating from high school; otherwise, you should most definitely intern during college.

Strong Presentation Skills

People do not realize that people in STEM require stronger presentation skills than others. They are actively required to present their ideas to others. Additionally, they might even have to sell their projects to gain funding. As a STEM professional, you need to polish your presentation skills.

But before you learn to present yourself, you need to ace your interview, where your presentation skills will come in handy. You have a strong presence, but if you can’t answer basic interview questions, you won’t get the job. Grab STEM Secrets for Interviewing by Jeffrey Harvey. It is the ultimate preparation guide with answers to STEM engineering-specific interview questions. The book also explores the right strategies and insights to make pre-interview jitters a thing of the past.

Soft Skills

Some things are not taught in schools and colleges even though they can make or break your career. Soft skills are one of these things which are not taught at school or college. The ability to hold a conversation and manage professional relationships will prove to be crucial in your career. You need to network with your peers and manage customer relationships in the corporate world. It is a crucial tool to take control of your personal success.

Your Personal Brand

In the past decade, we have seen a rise in personal brands. If you want to build expertise in a specific subject area, you need to start working on your personal brand. Become a recognizable individual who can contribute to the field. Through your personal brand, people are more likely to follow your lead. Use LinkedIn to its full potential to network and build a personal brand.

Power of Positivity

The road to personal success is bumpy and riddled with obstacles; you will inevitably encounter failure. In the face of failure, you need to stay positive. Look for what you can learn from the failures and figure out how you can use it to stay positive.

Leverage Technology

In the age of technology, you must take advantage of it to find your path to success. Through technology, you can improve your productivity and use it to expand your knowledge. Technology offers students of STEM a lot of support in gaining clarity on complex subjects.

Strategies to Achieve Your Success

Simply defining your success and identifying the tools for your personal success will not do the trick alone. You need to come up with a strategy to achieve your goals. You look at the options at your disposal and figure out a plan of action. For the strategy to succeed, you must hold yourself accountable and take action. Below are some essential successful strategies that will help you find success.

1. Time Management

There are days when it feels like there are less hours in the day. Learn time management tricks to manage your tasks and time effectively and improve your chances of success. Create a schedule for your day or week. Then, use timers and alarms to avoid missing your deadlines. An organized approach will keep you on track and help you manage your time effectively.

2. Focus

Social media has affected our attention span, making it difficult for us to stay focused on the task. You have to focus on the goal to avoid getting sidetracked. Share your ideas with a friend to ensure they hold you accountable and help you focus on the goal.

3. Get out of your comfort zone

Even in STEM, you will have to get out of your comfort zone to succeed. No one who stays in their comfort zone manages to succeed. It is a death sentence to your dreams and goals. Continually push yourself to escape the enticing comfort zone. Learn new things, experiment with new techniques, and become comfortable with the uncomfortable.


In conclusion, we hope you can use these tools to take control of your personal success in STEM. Do not forget to define what success means to you. Learn to use the tools we have shared to your advantage. For your convenience, we have listed them down below:

  • Keep Your Grades High
  • Do an Internship
  • Strong Presentation Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • Your Personal Brand
  • Power of Positivity
  • Leverage Technology

Remember to use the strategies listed below so that you can find success. Time management can play a pivotal role in achieving your goals in time. Moreover, you will also need to stay focused and avoid distractions. Last but not least, do not settle for less; avoid your comfort zone and push yourself to become comfortable with the uncomfortable.

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